Signs, Warnings & Abbreviations

AÇIK = Open
 = Ladies 
BAYLAR = Gentlemen 
CIKIŞ = Exit 
DİKKAT = Attention 
 = Men 
GİRİŞ = Entrance 
İMDAT KAPISI = Emergency Exit
 = Women 
KAPALI = Closed 
KIRALIK = For Rent 
SATILIK = For Sale 
SİGARA İÇMEK YASAKTIR = Smoking Prohibited (since May 2008 smoking in public buidlings and during driving a car is not allowed, the penalties are high…)
TEHLİKE FRENİ = Emergency Brake
ÖLÜM TEHLİKESİ = Danger of Life (e.g. electriciy panels, often in combination with a skull and crossbones, who still doesn’t understand got a real problem 😉 ) 
YASAK BÖLGE = Restricted Area (often military areas; by the way it’s of course not allowed to take pictures of police stations and military facilities, in this matter turkish officials don’t have any sense of humour) 

bkz. = bakınız (see) 
cad. = cadde (street)
 = Milattan önce (before Christ BC)
MS = Milattan sonra (anno Domini AD)
sok. = sokak (alley, small street)
PK = posta kutusu (post box) 
PTT = Posta, Telgraf, Telefon (turkish post office) 
TBMM = Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (the turkish parliament) 
TC = Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (Republic of Turkey)
TCDD = Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları (turkish railway company)
THY = Türk Hava Yolları (Turkish Airlines)
TRT = Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu (turkish public television)
vb. = ve başkaları (etc.) 
vs. = ve saire (etc.)
YTL = Yeni Türk Lirası (the turkish currency, new Turkish Lira)