
The lessons are accessible through the below menu. 

If you’re new here then of course you should start with lesson 1. The following lessons are eached based on the former lesson. It therefore makes sense to work yourself through one unit after another.

At the end of each lesson there is a small vocabulary list which you should learn in order to be able passing the exercises.

If you prefer printed paper it’s of course possible to print out each unit.

Soon there will be also a book version in English available. As soon as available it will be announced here.

Lesson 01Lesson 02Lesson 03Lesson 04
Lesson 05Lesson 06Lesson 07Lesson 08
Lektion 09Lesson 10Lesson 11Lesson 12
Lesson 13Lesson 14Lesson 15Lesson 16
Lesson 17
On The FlyHello, How Are You?May I Introduce Myself?Let’s Go Shopping!
Let’s Go Out!I Don’t Feel Well!Driver’s Licence and ID please!Signs, Warnings & Abbreviations
Grammar OverviewLessons’ Overview